X-windows on pyramid (X11R3)

Herb Barad barad at rex.cs.tulane.edu
Tue Sep 5 05:13:07 AEST 1989

Has anyone got X-windows running on a Pyramid?  The Xaw library doesn't
build correctly and (of course) the server doesn't.  I don't need the
server since we don't have a local bitmapped graphics terminal on the
Pyramid, but I would like to get the rest of X-windows running so that
client programs can run on the Pyramid.

Any suggestions?  Please respond by mail as I don't normally read this
group.  Thanks.

Herb Barad	Electrical Engineering Dept., Tulane Univ.
INTERNET:	barad at ee.tulane.edu
USENET:		barad at bourbon.uucp

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