Help Wanted With Packaging INGRES

Susan Miller scmiller at leland.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 2 07:57:22 AEST 1991


We are packaging an application with INGRES 6.3 on Pyramid 
Osx 5.1 and were wondering if there are elegant ways to create 
a single tape of both INGRES and the application; without driving 
our support people crazy during installation.  

I am advised that INGRES VAX/VMS VARS create a subdirectory under 
ingres and copy all their application code into this subdirectory 
before writing everything to a single tape. Anyone else with better 
alternatives and suggestions for Unix platforms?! Anyone using cpio?!  

Also, has anyone found an elegant way to prevent end-user access to 
all the enabled INGRES modules (QBF, VIFRED, RBF, RW) included with the 
Embedded INGRES!?! I am looking for a solution other than changing 
the file protection or removing the executables from ingres/bin.  The 
VAR authorization string associated with Embedded INGRES does allow 
access to these modules which will create security problems for our 

Thanx very much for all the help.  

H. Mortaz            hmortaz at
Raynet Corporation
185 Constitution Drive 
Menlo Park, CA 94025-1164
(415) 324-6638

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