4Sight, X or NeWS?

Phil Dykstra phil at BRL.MIL
Fri Oct 21 15:40:01 AEST 1988

SGI seems to be redoing the X11 support for a future 4Sight release.
We had a working X11 system (even if not very fast) under our first
4Sight release, and then a ..(no comment because it was a beta test)..
X11 system.  Now I hear that X will no longer be supplied with 4Sight
until some future date.  Perhaps SGI felt it was better not to include
it, rather than have people (incorrectly) judge the performance of
the machine based on the X support.  I could understand this decision
if true, but its only my conjecture as to why it went away. Personally
I preferred having X support, whether fast or slow, to not having it at

Since folks like Ardent and Stellar are basing their products on "high
performance" X platforms, I trust that SGI will make a reasonable effort
to provide a good X interface in the future.

> In any case, it's forced me to do all my editing using X11 on a
> nearby VaxStation GPX.

Gee, we do all of our editing on Sun 3/50s :-).

- Phil

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