Feedback Optimizer

Archer Sully archer at elysium.SGI.COM
Thu Mar 16 10:53:15 AEST 1989

In article <8903151749.AA06746 at>, mccalpin at MASIG1.OCEAN.FSU.EDU ("John D. McCalpin") writes:
> So, does anyone know what to do with the feedback file created by
> 'prof -pixie -feedback feedback_file' to make the compiler/optimizer
> use it?

The usage message from umerge looks like this:

Usage is: umerge infile [-f feedbackfile -t symfile] -o outfile [options...]
options are:
        -bbmax n
        -i file
        -growth_limit x

You can get umerge to use the feedback file by using the followin incantation:

cc -O3 -Wm,-f,feedback <other options> <.u files> <libs>

the -Wm passes the list of arguments to umerge.  This documented near
the end of the cc man page.

I'm not sure if it actually works, as I just tried something that uses
a completely bogus feedback file, and umerge didn't complain at all.
But you never know.

Good luck,

Archer Sully
archer at

"life is short, and full of stuff"

		-- Lux Interior


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