limiting resources

Reinhard Doelz doelz at
Wed Sep 27 19:28:16 AEST 1989

There is nothing on IRIX which could be called reasonable management...

To be serious: 

1) disk space of users might be limited by setting more than the default 
   partitions, e.g., create new partitions and put each group of users on 
   one of them. Once a device is full, there is no way to write on the device 
   any longer. I did that , and esp. the /tmp device proved to be useful. Once
   /tmp is on the normal file system (/), it is easy to hang the entire system 
   by calling vi on a 40 MByte ascii fie etc.

2) Memory allocation: There is the hint in USERS GUIDE pg. 10-10 that the 
   MAXUMEM poarameter is tunable thus giving the user only a predefined memory
   page number which might be smaller than the available one. Sounds great but
   never worked in my hands (tried it at 3.1C last time). Maybe I'll try it on 
   3.1G now. (also running a 120GTX).

3) CPU time consumption - no way to get a limitation on the smart way.
   I use a process prioritizer which sets processes running longer than a 
   particular time on a non-ageing priority using the npri command in a 
   crontabs file. 

I'd *really* like to get information whether the tools needed are available in
3.2 such as 

* disk quota
* CPU quota
* accounting which does work (and not just reports garbage). 

(SGI do you hear me?)

- Reinhard 

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