Question about mv and su in 3.3.1

Doug Eastick eastick at
Sun Dec 16 06:32:02 AEST 1990

manson at (Bob Manson) writes:
>If I use su to become root while in my home directory, and I mv a file
>to /tmp, for example, who should own the file?  Me, or root?   Under 

Depending if you do a "su" or "su -" you will get different results.
The latter effectively performs the same stuff a "login root" would
do.  The "su" only changes some minor things.

	% pwd
	% su
	% id
	uid=<non-zero> gid=<something>
	% pwd
	% ^D

	% pwd
	% su -
	# pwd
	# id
	uid=0(root) gid=<something>
	# ^D
	% pwd

I tend to use "su" only when I need to read certain files.  I use "su
-" for more major work.

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