Scott R. Presnell srp at babar.mmwb.ucsf.edu
Tue Dec 11 13:47:53 AEST 1990

scp at acl.lanl.gov (Stephen C. Pope) writes:

>	I've managed to get NTP running under IRIX 3.3.1/2, and it
>works, but not well.  The problem has to do with whatever the IRIX
>equivalent of BSD's ``tickadj'' variable is - the quantum is set far
>too large, and NTP has a hard time getting the kernel zeroed in on the
>correct value to adjtime(2).

>	Can anyone out there suggest what is the correct kernel
>variable to tweak, and what a reasonable value(s) might be for a 380
>and a personal?

I hacked up ntpd on the on our iri to accept the "tickadj" var, multiply by
1000 and use it to set timetrim via the syssgi() function and
SGI_SETTIMETRIM (there is also a SGI_GETTIMETRIM). Tickadj is in uS/S
timetrim is in nS/S.  I've been using a value of about -400000 nS/S (so
tickadj = -400) for our 4D/20's and a 25: the logical clock stays synced
with that.  timetrim is a signed long.

	- Scott

Scott Presnell				        +1 (415) 476-9890
Pharm. Chem., S-926				Internet: srp at cgl.ucsf.edu
University of California			UUCP: ...ucbvax!ucsfcgl!srp
San Francisco, CA. 94143-0446			Bitnet: srp at ucsfcgl.bitnet

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