Graphics User Interface Tools

Mark Overmars markov at
Fri Dec 7 03:15:34 AEST 1990

I have written my own Graphical User Interface Tools over the past few months.
I am quite happy with the final result. It has the form of a simple C-library.
For example, to make a small box with two buttons and a text you write

  FORM *form;
  OBJECT *yes, *no, *but;

  form = bgn_form(UP_BOX,320.0,120.0);
    add_box(NO_BOX,160.0,80.0,0.0,0.0,"Do you want to Quit?");
    yes = add_button(NORMAL_BUTTON,40.0,20.0,80.0,30.0,"Yes");
    no  = add_button(NORMAL_BUTTON,200.0,20.0,80.0,30.0,"No");

  while (but != yes)
    but = do_forms();

The library at the moment supports sliders, dials, buttons, input fields,
boxes, menus, clocks, and free objects for which the application program does
the control. New classes of objects can easily be added.
It includes different ways of interaction, including call-back
routines. It can perfectly work together with user defined windows. 
It comes with a 45 page LaTeX document and about 25 demo programs.

The only problem is: It is not completely finished yet. All is functional but
it might still contain a few bugs. I am testing this all now. If you are
interested in it now please send me a mail (markov at When I have
corrected most bugs it will become widely available.

Mark Overmars

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