Flight, how to dogfight?

Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854 blbates at AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV
Tue Mar 6 03:07:49 AEST 1990

    1) check /etc/services to make sure the entry for dogfight is not
       commented out.
    2) shadow allows passive observation of the dog environment, it is
       documented in the 3000 manuals, but I couldn't find it in the
       4D manual.
    3) dog broadcasts to EVERYONE so if anyone is doing dog on your
       network you will join them.  Dog FLOODS the network, so use
       it on small isolated networks, or it could cause a lot of
       problems.  Someone a while back posted patches so you could
       fight only one other machine.  There are also suppose to be
       some other similar patches.

	Brent L. Bates
	NASA-Langley Research Center
	M.S. 294
	Hampton, Virginia  23665-5225
	(804) 864-2854
	E-mail: blbates at aero4.larc.nasa.gov or blbates at aero2.larc.nasa.gov

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