Compilation problems with spotlight program

Matthew J. Wicks wicks at DCDMJW.FNAL.GOV
Thu Nov 22 06:19:32 AEST 1990

About 6 weeks ago, I picked up the spotlight program off of this newsgroup.
spotlight is a combination screen locking program and screen-save for
a Personal Iris.

I had no problems using this program until recently. I had recently
installed YP on a group of PI's and now spotlight would no longer work
on the YP client. (It would core dump upon invocation.)

spotlight.c came with the following instructions for compiling:

cc -o spotlight spotlight.c -lgl_s -lc_s -lsun -lm

When I changed it to the following (moving the -lsun)

cc -o spotlight spotlight.c -lsun -lgl_s -lc_s -lm

I got a much larger executable. It appears as if in the original compilation
I did not actually pick up these executables. All is working fine now,
but I am curious on why the order of these libraries made a difference.

Matt Wicks
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
wicks at

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