Sun/SGI boot interference

Dave Cunningham cunning at
Wed Sep 12 14:46:58 AEST 1990

I'm being told by another site at my company that my Irises are
causing problems that prevent thier diskless suns from booting.  The
suns apparently loose track of what YP domain they are part of
somewhere during the boot process and hang.  Folks at the other site
believe, based on some past experience that I haven't been able to get
a detailed report on, that the problem is a bug in the Iris's
bootparamd.  Has anyone else out there experienced this ?

Configuration details are:

  Suns running SunOs 4.0.3, Irises 3.2.1
  Both sites on a single (bridged) ethernet
  Irises are diskfull, suns are diskless clients and a sun server
  Both sites run nfs and yp;  different yp (ooops, nis) domains

The fix I'm being asked to apply is to comment out the bootparamd and
bootp lines in my inetd.conf files on the Irises.  I don't boot the
irises diskless, but I do install software across the net; I believe
that bootp, at least, is necessary to get sash running.

If anyone has any pertinent info or experience I'd appreciate a note.
Thanks in advance,

Dave Cunningham				cunning at
Lockheed Missiles and Space Co.
O/81-10, B/157-5E, (408)-756-1382

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