
William Sherman -Visualization wsherman at newton.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Sep 21 04:53:02 AEST 1990

Can anyone tell me whether SGI is really shipping 8Mb SIMMs with the
new 4D-35s?  And either way, will 4Mb SIMMs work on the new CPU boards?
We are currently considering buying 4Mb SIMMs for our 4D-20s, but we
don't want them to go to waste when (if) we upgrade them to 4D-35s.


/* Bill Sherman								*/
/* National Center for Supercomputing Applications			*/
/* University of Illinois						*/
/* Champaign-Urbana							*/
/*									*/
/* Internet: wsherman at ncsa.uiuc.edu					*/
/*									*/
/*   "You want to do mankind a real service?  Tell funnier jokes."	*/
/* 		Og							*/

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