SGI's migration to X

James Helman jim at baroque.Stanford.EDU
Thu Sep 6 06:07:47 AEST 1990

Obviously, I'm not very familiar with Sun's graphics.  From what Mark
says, I take it that Sun's DGA does not allow XGL and X drawing calls
to be made in the same window.  Basically then, it just allows XGL and
X/NeWS windows to share the same screen without trouncing on each other.

Once SGI's current window coexistence problems are fixed, will SGI's
GL/X dichotomy be pretty much the same as Sun's XGL/X split?  That is
once a window is opened either as a local X window or as a "direct"
graphics window, there is no way to get a handle for applying the
other's drawing calls on that window?

I've heard Vicom's new image processor supports something like this,
allowing very high performance imaging operations when a local X
window is accessed via another library interface.

My other question: shared memory X transport?  It seems like it would
be a big win for portable X imaging applications like LLNL's View.

Jim Helman
Department of Applied Physics			Durand 012
Stanford University				FAX: (415) 725-3377
(jim at 			Voice: (415) 723-9127

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