SGI's migration to X

Steve Lehar slehar at
Sat Sep 1 00:26:39 AEST 1990

When I complain that XImages must be transmitted pixel by pixel you say...

||> Not true.  You can build and send the entire image in one go.  See
||> XPutImage.

Yes, you can send the image  to the  screen with XPutImage(), but how do
you get your array of image data INTO the XImage BEFORE you send it to
the screen? XPutPixel() is the only routine provided!

And when I complain that I can't specify the X window position from my
code, you say...

||> Also not true.  You can specify where you want the  window  to go.
||> At  the  application level,    most applications will   accept the
||> -geometry option -- at the program level, see XSetWMNormalHints.

Yes they  do, but what  about if I  am WRITING  the application? I can
make my  program receive the -geometry flag  (or reasonable facsimile)
but what do I DO with that information?  When I  open my XWindow I use
the call

  win = XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, screen),
                      xsh.x, xsh.y, xsh.width, xsh.height,
                      bw, vTemplate.depth, InputOutput, visual,
                      valuemask, &attrib);

Note that there is no argument for x and y screen location!  How do I
tell this XWindow where to appear?
(O)((O))(((              slehar at              )))((O))(O)
(O)((O))(((    Steve Lehar Boston University Boston MA     )))((O))(O)
(O)((O))(((    (617) 424-7035 (H)   (617) 353-6425 (W)     )))((O))(O)

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