Changing text in wsh title bar?

Kenny McDonald c60244 at ccfiris.aedc
Tue Feb 19 01:12:37 AEST 1991

To place your current working directory in the title bar you should set
up the following in your .login file:

alias setp 'set hwd=$cwd; set prompt = "<ctrl>[[1m<\! %<ctrl>[[0m <ctrl>[P1.y${hwd} <ctrl>[\\"'

alias cd 'cd \!*; setp'

NOTE: <ctrl>[ (type the control key and the left square bracket)

<ctrl>[[1m set the text attributes to bold
<\! will place a <# in your prompt where # is the current command number
<ctrl>[[0m will set the text attributes back to normal
<ctrl>[P1.y.....<ctrl>[\\ will place the desired ... in the title bar.

NOTE: I was given the above info from an associate here at AEDC.


  | Kenneth M. McDonald * OAO Corp * Arnold Engineering Development Center |
  |          MS 120 * Arnold AFS, TN 37389-9998 * (615) 454-3413           |
  INTERNET:                                               OO   AA   OO at ccfiris.aedc                   O  O A  A O  O
                                                         O  O AAAA O  O
  LOCAL:                                                 O  O A  A O  O
  c60244 at ccfiris                                          OO  A  A  OO

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