Installing expect

John H Merritt merritt at
Fri Feb 22 09:55:16 AEST 1991

Has anyone successfully installed 'expect' on an SGI (>= 3.3.1)?
Expect is Don Libes' creation which 'Cures Those Uncrontrollable
Fits of Interaction' :-)  It is available from in pub/.

I get complaints about too many programs being spawned and the possiblity
of being out of pty's.  I have successfully compilied the program without
errors, however, I cannot get to function properly. For example,
I get the following error messages for a simple telnet session.

---- cut ----
error in command: spawn telnet scfvm
too many programs spawned? - out of ptys
---- cut ----

And the input to expect is:
---- cut ----
#! /usr/local/bin/expect -d
spawn telnet scfvm
expect {*Please*} {}
send L\r
expect {*SESSION*} {}
send L Y3JHM\r
expect {*password:*} {}
send huminm\r
expect {*Ready;*}
---- cut ----

By the way,  I installed it on a Sun 386i and this input file works
as expected.

              John H. Merritt --> merritt at
              Applied Research Corporation at NASA/GSFC
              "Yesterday I knew nothing, today I know that."

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