Parallel Programming Problem: taskcreate

Cindy Starr cindy at
Mon Jun 10 03:11:19 AEST 1991

  Howdy Folks,
     I am trying to implement a parallel, recursive quicksort
  routine on our 240VGX running version 3.3.1.  (Yes, I realize this
  is dangerous to do . . .)  I am using "taskcreate" to spawn
  the processes, as follows:

  if ((taskM = taskcreate(strID, parQuicksort, qsort1 , 0) ) < 0)
          perror("The taskcreate(1) call failed in parQuicksort.");
          exit (-1);

   After four new processes are created, I receive the following

The taskcreate(1) call failed in parQuicksort.: New share group member pid 9278
could not join I/O arena. error:No space left on device

The taskcreate(1) call failed in parQuicksort.: No space left on device

   One would jump to the conclusion that disk space were limited.
   However, in this case there is plenty. Is an area created other
   than the one I have created by "usinit"?  I have increased the
   size of the area I created to no avail.  I have also looked up
   "setrlimit" to see if any parameters there need to be expanded.
   I haven't found anything that looks viable.
   I found the error message in the man page for "sproc", but still
   have no idea how to correct the problem.  The man page states:
     New share group member pid # could not join I/O arena. error:<..>
                    if the new share group member could not properly join the
                    semaphored libc arena.  The new process exits with a -1.

    Would anyone know what this problem is and how I can get around
    or correct it?
    Many thanks!
    Cindy Starr
    cindy at

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