environment mapping with Silicon Graphics IRIX 3.3.2 GL

Gary L. Crum crum at alicudi.usc.edu
Tue Jun 4 15:15:14 AEST 1991

Quick:  Is it possible to compile a program using IRIX 3.3.2 GL that
uses the "environment mapping" (a.k.a. "reflection mapping",
a.k.a. "spherical texture mapping", I think) capabilities of Silicon
Graphics VGX hardware?

Do I need only know the token value for TG_SPHERICAL to use with the texgen()
call?  That token isn't defined in my 3.3.2 gl.h file.

I wonder if the /usr/demos/bin/envmap binary was produced using pre-4.0 IRIX.

I am going to ask Silicon Graphics about this tomorrow, but it's often
quite instructive to ask USENET about these things.  Thanks!


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