processes with eternal life ?

Stefan Farestam farestam at
Wed Mar 6 12:26:50 AEST 1991

   I have a process which refuses to be killed. It is a piece of
   graphics code running on a 4D25TG under IRIX 3.3.1. The window
   comes up and then dies. Afterwards it is impossible to kill
   the process (both as a normal user and the super-user). If I
   reboot the machine, then these processes disappears, but that
   is a somewhat awkward manoeuvre just to get rid of a process !

      Any suggestions or insights ?

          Stefan Farestam

 .             Stefan Farestam    <farestam at>              .
.   __ __  __ _  _ _                                                  .
.  /  |_ )|_ /_\/ (          European Centre for Research and         .
 . \_ |__\| /   \__)    Advanced Training in Scientific Computation  .

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