Anonymous Telnet account

Kenny McDonald c60244 at ccfiris.aedc
Wed Mar 13 05:07:13 AEST 1991

We have an IBM 4381 (MVS os) here at AEDC using Interlink TCP/IP software for
network utilities.  When we telnet to any of our Irises (240GTX's, 25GT, 20GT),
we run into a problem with double spacing on our IBM terminals.  All lines are
double spaced.  We do not have this problem when we telnet to our VAX8650's,
Microvaxes, 3b2's, or our Suns.  We were wondering if there were any anonymous
telnet accounts on any of the IRISES on the INTERNET that we could telnet to
in order to see if the problem exists across the INTERNET also.

Any help/info is appreciated.

  | Kenneth M. McDonald * OAO Corp * Arnold Engineering Development Center |
  |          MS 120 * Arnold AFS, TN 37389-9998 * (615) 454-3413           |
  INTERNET:                                               OO   AA   OO at ccfiris.aedc                   O  O A  A O  O
                                                         O  O AAAA O  O
  LOCAL:                                                 O  O A  A O  O
  c60244 at ccfiris                                          OO  A  A  OO

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