C Bug (he meekly asks) ?

Rainer Malzbender rainer at boulder.Colorado.EDU
Wed Mar 27 09:56:22 AEST 1991

I inadvertently typed "case_3:" instead of "case 3:" in a 'switch'
statement. Now I'm certainly no guru on the arcane features of the
C language, but shouldn't this be illegal and at least cause a
compiler error? My program compiled and ran fine. As far as I can tell
from the .s output (I don't grok R3000 assembler) it just trashed
the whole clause.

Rainer Malzbender, PhD  "It's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole."
Dept. of Physics (303)492-6829                             -Laurie Anderson
U. of Colorado, Boulder         rainer at boulder.colorado.edu

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