sproc(2) and winopen() together

Marius Messerli messerli at biophys.zir.ethz.ch
Wed Mar 13 20:11:22 AEST 1991

I'm trying to get a piece of code using sproc(2) together with winopen().
The program consists of a process handler with no connection to the 
graphics master, a graphical user_interface and the application suroutines 
that have their own windows. 

I have two main problems:

    - As soon as a share group process opens a connection to the graphics 
      master (does winopen call) it cannot change the global variables 
      "backward" so that the process handler gets them.
      To give the user_interface the possibility to tell the 
      process handler what to I use a pipe (although globals would be 
      more appropriate).

    - Although having set the PR_SALL flag in all sporc calls the individual 
      application subroutines (each having its own window) do have their 
      own copy of the data!

It seems that after a winopen call the share group process makes its own 
copy of the data space ? Is that so ?

Thank you for any explanations and hints.

Marius Messerli
Institute for Cell Biology
messerli at zellbio.ethz.ch

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