comp.sci.sgi & info-iris

Thu May 2 16:09:34 AEST 1991

I have seen this posted before, and I never saw any answer.

Now I am finding that people are answering to comp.sci.sgi and
I never see it because I only get info-iris.

What is the relationship between the two mechanisms ?

How does an item posted to comp.sci.sgi get to info-iris,
and stuff on info-iris get to comp.sci.sgi ?

Who are the responsible parties  at info-iris and who
(if anyone) maintains comp.sci.sgi ?

Does anyone have a version of rn ( I guess that
that is the program that runs notes) that they
are happy with and would make public ? When I have time
and lots of extra disk space I will have to also setup
a comp.sci.sgi if I can't find out who fixes info-iris.

| karron at (e-mail alias )         Dan Karron, Research Associate      |
| Phone: 212 263 5210 Fax: 212 263 7190  New York University Medical Center  |
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