Distributed GL graphics via high speed networks...

Vernon Schryver vjs at rhyolite.wpd.sgi.com
Wed May 15 03:20:48 AEST 1991

The easiest way to debug a .rhosts problem on an IRIS is to use the command
`rsh host -l guest env` and then to examine the values of REMOTEHOST and
REMOTEUSER to see that they match the target .rhosts file.  (Of course,
if there is no open account such as guest, you have to `rlogin host`, type
a password, and then use `env`, `printenv`, `echo $REMOTEHOST`, or whatever.)

As Gary wrote, many things can cause the remote machine to use different
values for either of those variables.  Their values are obtained
from the rsh protocol and getpeername(2) and gethostbyaddr(3).

Vernon Schryver,   vjs at sgi.com

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