TranScript and lpr/lpd

Apcah2 Super-User root at apcah2.Eng.McMaster.CA
Mon Feb 1 19:38:08 AEST 2016

We have a PI that has TranScript installed, and we have a HP LaserJet III
with a HP PostScript cartridge.  I can print fine using lp et al.
However, I also want to be able to use lpr/lpd to print from other
non-SGI machines (i.e. other machine that have lpr/lpd e.g. Suns, Mips'
etc.) and I want to do accounting.  How do I get this to work?  On Suns
with TranScript there is a special filter, psif, which is a little shell
script that handles calling pscomm, psbanner et al, (much as
interface/PostScript under lp does).  However, psbanner, pscomm don't
seem to take the same args on the SGI that they do on the Sun.  Hence,
my problem: How do I set up TranScript to work with lpr so I can do page
accounting?  I've R'd the FM for TranScript, but the FM doesn't give the
args for these programs.  Any and all help appreciated.

E. John Benjamins                                      BITNET: JOHNB at MCMASTER
Computer and Information Services,     Internet: johnb at
ABB 131, McMaster University, 
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada    "You can't chop down a symmetry" -- Jane Siberry

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