(386i)+(OS 4.0.1)+(remote lpr to HPLJII)+(WordPerfect 5.0)==slow?

Arthur David Olson elsie!ado at ncifcrf.gov
Thu Apr 27 13:54:50 AEST 1989

The boss has a Sun386i running SunOS 4.0.1; its "/etc/printcap" file
begins with the line


to direct printer output over the Ethernet to elsie, which has a HP
LaserJet II attached.  The "~boss/pc/setup.pc" file has a

	LPT1	lpr

line to (transparently) get DOS-generated printer out sent to elsie's printer.

The good news is that the printer output of applications such as
WordPerfect 5.0 does indeed get redirected.  The other news is that the
redirection is very slow (take printing of the WP5.0 "printer.tst" file).

Have other folks experienced such slowness?
Have other folks overcome it?
If you have answers, I'd appreciate hearing from you by electronic mail.
	Arthur David Olson    ado at ncifcrf.gov    ADO is a trademark of Ampex.

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