ftp problem

Susan Dang dang at shell.UUCP
Thu Apr 27 20:47:53 AEST 1989

I am recently experiencing the "ftp: bind: Can't assign requested address"
error on some of my Sun3 and Sun4  diskless workstations.  These
workstations belong to the same server group and are running OS 3.5.
Following is an example of my ftp porblem:

ca060d% ftp mango
Connected to mango.
220 mango FTP server (SunOS 4.0) ready.
Name (mango:dang): dang
Password (mango:dang): 
331 Password required for dang.
230 User dang logged in.
ftp> ls
ftp: bind: Can't assign requested address

I tried a number of destinations with no luck. 

I had experienced this problem before but it just disappeared after a
couple of days.  However, this time it decides to stay :-(

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Susan Dang
Shell Oil Company, Information Center (713) 795-3208

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