Using extra client partitions ....

Charles mcgrew at
Sat Apr 8 00:09:39 AEST 1989

> We have a 3/180 acting as fileserver to 4 3/50's with SUN
> OS 3.5.  The 3/180's disk is configured to support another 4
> clients, each system partition using about 7.7Mbytes.  Since
> we have no intention of buying new machines in the near
> future, I was hoping to be able to mount these unused /dev/ndl
> partitions and use them as mini-storage areas for the users.
> We have a considerable number of researchers, all with needs.

All you need to do is to put entries in your /etc/nd.local (for bogus
hostnames - you can ignore the 'unknown host' messages) to do the kernel
magic of setting aside the partitions as real.  Then create the devices
(in /dev), rerun nd (/etc/nd - < /etc/nd.local), mkfs the partitions,
mount them on the local machine, update /etc/exports to allow them to be
exported, and you're done.  The system administrator's manual (how to add
a client) will give most of this - all you're doing is mounting the
partition on the server rather than on a client.

If I've been unclear, please let me know and I'll try again...



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