Experiences with DOS on the 386i

Pat Lashley pat%serendip at sun.com
Tue Feb 28 19:45:39 AEST 1989

gfr at cobra.mitre.org (Glenn Roberts) writes:
>Don't expect DOS to scream on the 386i.  Dbase III and Mass11 (our word
>processing environment) seem to work at about "AT speed" in a DOS window.
>You can run MS Windows in a SunView window.  This is really neat but will
>run at "XT speed" or slower (just moving the cursor around in an MS Window
>hogs most of my CPU - after all you're running MS Windows on top of DOS on
>top of Unix!).
>The biggest annoyance is the small window.  You might want to get the
>RR-100 EGA/VGA option.  I saw this demonstrated at our local Sun office
>and there is a way to enlarge the window display.  Sun list is $895.

Our experience is that compute-intensive programs run faster on the Sun.
It is the slowdown in the window emulation which causes the problem.  This
is improved considerably with SunOS 4.0.1 (BL9F.3).  In particular, if you
are running MS-WINDOWS, 4.0.1 has a direct WINDOWS driver that you can
install which provides much better mouse tracking, color, and resizable

Now for my question.  Can anyone out there provide me with technical
information about the RR-100 ?

<P.S.  Beware of possible munged headers.  Reply to the address below.>
PMLashley	sun!cohesive!kla!pat		cohesive!kla!pat at sun.com
KLA Instruments	POBox 58016, 3901 Burton Drive
		Santa Clara, CA 95052		+1 408 988 6100

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