child of ttysw initialization

Tue Jan 3 18:58:11 AEST 1989

I need to know how to send initialization information to a program running
in a tty-subwindow in suntools.  Specifically, I need to set up my own
window in order to catch the function keys and make them behave properly.
All works except the child which is automatically forked by the
tty-subwindow call requires one or two lines of setup information, and I
want to do this automatically without having to type it in.  The child
program takes a bit of time to load, then sends several lines of messages,
then waits for input. At that point, and not before, I need to send a
short string.  After that all works fine.  (this is version 3.5)

Vince Giambalvo <vince at uconnvm.bitnet>

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