hanging telnet, rlogin, clear_tty and 4.0.1

S. Mujica mujica at cs.ucla.edu
Thu Jan 5 07:14:45 AEST 1989

evan at ssyx (Evan Schaffer) writes:
>We have an open service call to sun, working on this set of related
>1. telnet to the 4.0 host closes immediately
>2. telnet to the 4.0 host prints login: but is in cbreak mode;
>	name^J yields passwd, but once logged in any char
>	acts like ^D and logs you out
>3. a sunview window disappears when the first char is typed
>4. rlogin to the 4.0 hosts closes immediately

I Have experienced this problem in my machines (one Sun 3/280 and several
diskless workstations, no tty's attached except for one working as
console.)  I would doubt that the nts-100 terminal servers are the cause
(they might be one...)  I do not have any terminals connected to these

It seems that killing background processes that have open TCP connections
(like xbiff) cures the symptoms.  We have tried starting processes in the
background and then exiting, but this does not seem to create the problem
all the time consistently.

And yes,  it looks very much like pty's cannot be allocated.

You may have also e noticed that the connection breaks when you try to
start processes that require login like rlogin and telnet (for login).
However you can still rsh and telnet to other inetd services like time and

Any information on this will be greatly appreciated.

Sergio Mujica
Computer Science Department, UCLA
(213) 825-7276 825-3189

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