Wildcards in /etc/exports

Steve Miller steve at umiacs.umd.edu
Wed May 24 20:52:44 AEST 1989

We hacked this up locally a while ago, for SunOS 3.2.  The exports file on
our Sun-3 fileserver looks like (with some names changed to protect the

	/someplace        .*\.cs\.umd\.edu

I can make the diffs available, if there is interest.  I would certainly
like to see this sort of feature migrated into the mainline SunOS
releases; it's one less hack for me to put back in each time...

(Any sort of netgroup stuff isn't an option, as we don't engage in the YP

I also agree that being able to specify multiple lines (with multiple
access lists and permissions) for a given filesystem would be a win.  It
would make /etc/exports more readable, for one thing.


Spoken: Steve Miller    Domain: steve at mimsy.umd.edu    UUCP: uunet!mimsy!steve
Phone: +1-301-454-1808  USPS: UMIACS, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742

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