Sun workstation

tomasz at tomasz at
Wed Oct 11 12:59:52 AEST 1989

Hi Sun-users!

I am considering a purchase of a refurbished sun workstation.  Currently
my budget will allow only a 3/50 at ~$3000, no disk drive, 4 Meg of
memory. I would like to get an opinion of a more knowledgable folk on the
Types of extra but necessary expenses such as:

	* soft/hardware to support X windows
	* other necessary software
	* sun-compatible disk drives
	* fast modem
	* anything needed for a workstation at home (no nest)

Is there a better way to go in this price range? I love working on suns,
and I asume you do too, but sometimes the common sense takes over the
infactuation.  I would like to know what are the disadvantages, if any,
that I would face after the purchase of the 3/50.

Thanks in advance for any help in this matter

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