making TeX distribtuion failed on a Sun-3 running SunOS 4.0.1

Eric Ho eho at
Sat Sep 2 06:26:31 AEST 1989


Does anyone had trouble in installing the TeX distribution tape (I got
mine from U. of Washington) on the Suns running OS 4.0.1 ?  I'd the
trouble to build mine on my Sun-3 running SunOS 4.0.1.

I've extracted the tape and after reading thro' the various README files
and have changed the paths in site.h & the top-level makefile, I started
to build it by doing a 'make all' at /home/tex/tex82.  I didn't change
anything except the obvious path variables in site.h & the top-level

Here is the barfs that I received. :-

It went as far as making initex
confidence-eho(101)-[/home/tex/tex82]: make all
(cd web2cdir; make "SITEDIR=.." "OPT=-O")
yacc -d web2c.yacc

conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
mv -f web2cy.c
cmp: Can't open web2cy.h: No such file or directory
cc -O -I..  -sun3 -c  web2cy.c
lex web2c.lex
mv -f lex.yy.c web2cl.c
cc -O -I..  -sun3 -c  web2cl.c
cc -O -I..  -sun3 -c  web2c.c
cc -s -o web2c web2c.o web2cy.o web2cl.o -ll
cc -O -I.. -s -o fixwrites fixwrites.c
cc -O -I.. -s -o splitup splitup.c
cc -O -I.. -s -o regfix regfix.c
chmod 755 texware/convert
touch texware/tangle.web; touch texware/tangle.c
(cd texware; make "SITEDIR=.." "OPT=-O" tangle)
cc -O -Dlink=link_array -I.. -c tangle.c
cc -O -Dlink=link_array -I.. -c tanext.c
cc -s -O -Dlink=link_array -I.. -o tangle tangle.o tanext.o
chmod 755 texdir/convert; chmod 755 texdir/ini_to_trip
(cd texdir; make "SITEDIR=.." "OPT=-O")
../texware/tangle tex.web
This is TANGLE, C Version 2.9
Writing the output file.....500.....1000.....1500.....2000.....2500.....3000.....3500.\....4000.....4500.....5000.....5500.

1015 strings written to string pool file.
(No errors were found.)
(cd texdir; convert)
  1 Procedure initialize
  2 Procedure println
  3 Procedure printchar
  4 Procedure print
  5 Procedure slowprint
  6 Procedure printnl
  7 Procedure printesc
  8 Procedure printthedigs
  9 Procedure printint
 10 Procedure printcs
 11 Procedure sprintcs
 12 Procedure printfilename
 13 Procedure printsize
 14 Procedure printwritewhatsit
 15 Procedure jumpout
 16 Procedure error
 17 Procedure fatalerror
 18 Procedure overflow
 19 Procedure confusion
 20 Function initterminal
 21 Function makestring
 22 Function streqbuf
 23 Function streqstr
 24 Function getstringsstarted
 25 Procedure printtwo
 26 Procedure printhex
317 Procedure closefilesandtermina
318 Procedure finalcleanup
319 Procedure initprim
320 Procedure debughelp
321 Procedure texbody

731 symbols.
#undef  TRIP
#define TRIP
#define memmax 262140L
#define memmax 2999L
#define errorline 79
#define errorline 64
#define halferrorline 50
#define halferrorline 32
#define maxprintline 79
#define maxprintline 72
#define maxinopen 15
#define maxinopen 6
#define fontmax 255
#define fontmax 75
#define fontmemsize 72000L
#define fontmemsize 20000L
#define maxstrings 7500
#define maxstrings 3000
#define stringvacancies 75000L
#define stringvacancies 8000L
#define savesize 4000
#define savesize 600
#define memtop 262140L
#define memtop 2999L
(cd ctex; make "SITEDIR=.." "OPT=-O" initex)
cc -O -I.. -c tex0.c && mv -f tex0.o itex0.o
"tex0.c", line 653: warning: statement not reached
cc -O -I.. -c tex1.c && mv -f tex1.o itex1.o
cc -O -I.. -c tex2.c && mv -f tex2.o itex2.o
cc -O -I.. -c tex3.c && mv -f tex3.o itex3.o
cc -O -I.. -c tex4.c && mv -f tex4.o itex4.o
cc -O -I.. -c tex5.c && mv -f tex5.o itex5.o
cc -O -I.. -c tex6.c && mv -f tex6.o itex6.o
cc -O -I.. -c tex7.c && mv -f tex7.o itex7.o
cc -O -I.. -c tex8.c && mv -f tex8.o itex8.o
cc -c -O -I.. -DINITEX extra.c && mv -f extra.o iextra.o
"../site.h", line 55: illegal type combination
"../site.h", line 65: illegal type combination
"../site.h", line 78: illegal type combination
"../site.h", line 85: illegal type combination
"./tex.h", line 38: syntax error at or near type word "alphafile"
"./tex.h", line 38: unknown size
"./tex.h", line 38: unknown size
"./tex.h", line 38: unknown size
"./tex.h", line 38: unknown size
"./tex.h", line 39: syntax error at or near type word "ccharpointer"
"./tex.h", line 39: unknown size
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `iextra.o'
Current working directory /home/tex/tex82/ctex
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `ctex/initex'
confidence-eho(102)-[/home/tex/tex82]: ls
386-ix/                 README.WEB-to-C         make.history
CWEB/                   Spiderweb/              makefile~
Install_Macros*         TeXcontrib/             mfdir/
LaTeX/                  TeXdoc/                 mfware/
MFcontrib/              TeXemacs/               orig-makefile
MFdoc/                  TeXgraphics/            orig-site.h
MFtexfiles/             TeXmacros/              site.h
Man-pages/              TeXpatches/             site.h~
README                  WEB-to-C.CHANGES        tex.script
README.APOLLO           aix/                    tex.script~
README.METAFONT         bibtex/                 texdir/
README.PATCHES          cmf/                    texware/
README.RT               ctex/                   web2cdir/
README.SCORE            fmtdump/
confidence-eho(103)-[/home/tex/tex82]: ls ..
DVIware/        README.tex82    cmfonts/        undump/
LaTeXfonts/     amsfonts/       compress/       utilityfonts/
NO_WARRANTY     babel/          tex82/


Any pointers will be much appreciated.

Eric Ho
Cognitive Science Lab.,		Princeton University
voice = 609-987-2987		email = eho at
	609-987-2819 (messages)		eho at

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