SPARCstation Audio Software?

Rich Gopstein soleil!gopstein at
Fri Feb 2 02:59:04 AEST 1990

I posted some patches to sound.c which will turn it into play.c.  Play
takes a file and a volume setting, and plays the file.  It can be used
with "rsh" since it doesn't use graphics.

I also have a program which will convert MAC-style audio files into SS1

This is the patchfile:

The following ed script will convert /usr/demo/sound/sound.c into a
standalone program to play sound files on the Sparcstation I.  After
extracting the "patches" file, do the following:

ed /usr/demo/sound/sound.c < patchfile

The version of sound.c that this works on is:
-rw-r--r--  1 bin         37759 May 25 22:58 sound.c

This will create play.c in the current directory.  Just "cc -o play
play.c" to compile.  Its use is "play [-v volume] soundfile" where volume
is 0-10, the default is 7.  Since it doesn't use the screen, it will work
with rsh.

If anyone wants it, I have a quick-hack program to convert 8-bit binary
sampled audio (like the MAC uses) into the u-law format for the SS1, but
it is not very user-friendly.

Rich Gopstein


[[Ed's Note: placed in archives at Rice]]

FTP:	Hostname : (
	Directory: sun-source
	Filename : play.shar

Archive Server Address: archive-server at
Archive Server Command: send sun-source play.diff

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