Automount and local mounts

wmg at wmg at
Wed Jun 27 03:47:39 AEST 1990

I was wondering what is the best way to configure your automount maps on a
server which both imports and exports filesystems.  If my server mounts a
file system at boot time, it can`t mount the same file system with
automount on the same mount point.  Below is what I would like to have in
both my fstab and my automount map.  

/etc/fstab entry on paint:
/dev/xd1a	/water 4.2 rw 1 7

/etc/ NIS (yellow page) map:
/water -rw,soft  paint:/water

Automount will mount /water even if it is mounted.  I understand that this
is documented and the way automount is supposed to work. The reason for
wanting this type of action is because I have ~10 servers which both
import and export filesystems (don't blame me I just got this job).  What
I am looking for is the least number of this to maintain (ie. 1 NIS map,
one cmd. to start automount, etc).  I realize that what I what may not be
quite possible.  I was wondering how other sites handle this type of
situatition?  I have thought of several things (fstab mounts at a
different point, different NIS maps for different servers).  I was
wondering if other people have a better solution, or how they handle this
type of situatition.  Email me your responses and I will summarize.

Thank you,

Bill Gilroy
(201) 949-2566

wmg at

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