Exabyte and se controller

Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child} kevin at corp.sun.com
Thu Jun 14 08:03:18 AEST 1990

He is correct for the "sc" controller, also known as the SCSI2. We have
not shipped those since the *very* early sun3 line.  The "se" controller
is the Enet/SCSI board used on the sun3e product line which does *not*
have this problem.

The SCSI2 was built before SCSI controller chips existed, and for an MSI
based board it was too much to ask for ATN and the DISCO/RESEL stuff as
well, when it didn't exist in peripherals at the time either.

sc - SCSI2 - sun2 and early sun3 VME board
si - SCSI3 - sun3 VME and 3/50 3/60 SCSI
se - 6U SCSI/Enet board
sw - 4/110 SCSI

>X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 9, Issue 207, message 3
>Some time ago i asked about a problem with our Sun 3/180 and it's Exabyte.
>The machine had an Exabyte and a shoebox connected to its se0 SCSI
>controller. When the Exabyte was active, for example rewinding or
>searching for a file, the machine would often block.

<more comments about disconnect and reselect not being there>

Kevin Sheehan
Sun Microsystems
kevin at sun.com

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