Mailing List for Brief / Crisp / Grief editor users

Rohit Mehrotra dmdev!rohit at
Fri Nov 16 23:05:00 AEST 1990

There is a mailing list for the discussion / help for users of the brief /
crisp / grief editor on Unix.

This is an UNMODERATED mailing list. Like any other unmoderated list
maintained at uunet, there might be some duplicates.

To post an article: you may mail to the following addresses:

		  a) uunet!brief-list
		  b) brief-list at

To send an Add or Delete request: mail to the following address:

		  a) uunet!brief-list-request
		  b) brief-list-request at

If for some reason you need to have to contact me: mail to the following
		  a) uunet!owner-brief-list
		  b) owner-brief-list at


Rohit Mehrotra
Fleet Credit Corporation
8325 NW 53rd St, Miami, Fl 33166.
E-MAIL Address uunet!dmdev!rohit VOICE 1-(305)-477-0390 Ext 469

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