I need to read after the End Of Media - Please HELP !!!

Pedro Lopez plopez at gmv.es
Tue Nov 27 04:30:00 AEST 1990

I had a VERY IMPORTANT "bar file" stored in two tapes (DC6150).  Someone
wrote a very little tar file at the beginning of the first tape. We are
running SunOS 4.1 on a SUN/470.

Now I can recover the second tape, but I can only read the tiny silly file
from the first one.

Is it possible to read after the EOM somehow? (wait for synchronization
and read again).

It seems to me that the SunOS 4.1 driver for for /dev/rst0 cannot do it.
(I wrote a C program using mtio(4), read(2V) but it cannot help).

I stopped the tape in the middle of a retension and tried to read from
there but I could not cheat the driver.

Can someone help me please?

Answer to me by mail. I will summarize the answers and post them.

Thank you very much,

Pedro Lopez                              Ph. +34 1 534 30 04
Grupo de Mecanica del Vuelo, S.A. (GMV)  Fax +34 1 533 32 50
Cristobal Bordiu, 35                     Telex  48487 GMEV E
E-28003 MADRID                           plopez at gmv.es
SPAIN                                    plopez%gmv.es at Spain.EU.net

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