Sun386i Networking Help

Larry Wagner chepil!wagner at
Fri Nov 30 04:09:08 AEST 1990

Since my mail bounced and others may be interested in knowing about this
document, sunspots now gets it.  LEW

I have a SUN 386i setup as a master YP server on a standalone network
with PC clients running PC-NFS.  Since I am not connected to the rest
of the world yet (supposed to be in two weeks), I don't think I'm qualified
to help you much with the specifics of your problem(s).  However, I have
one piece of information you may not know of that will be useful later on
if not with your current problem(s).  Sun has a document called the
"Sun386i Administration Cookbook" that details the differences between
the 386i and Sun's other machines.  It has specific chapters setting up
a 386i in different network environments, multiple domains, etc.  I feel
this document should have been part of the standard documentation for
a 386i since it answered many questions I had about the machine when I
first obtained it.  All of the chapters from this document were also
published in Sun's Software Technical Bulletins (I think they were the
Nov. and Dec. 1989 and Jan. 1990 issues).

Hope this helps some,

	Larry E. Wagner		USDA-ARS Wind Erosion Research Unit

	wagner%chepil.uucp at

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