Problems gaining/releasing exclusive file locks in Sun NFS

angst at angst at
Mon Oct 8 07:30:00 AEST 1990

I have a data file that processes running on different clients (running
SunOS 4.1) must access with mutual exclusion.

I tried using lockf to gain/release exclusive locks on the file, but this
didn't work.  When a process attempted to gain a lock when another process
had access it was intended to sleep until the latter released its lock.
This it did, but when the latter tried to release its lock, both processes
hung (and eventually entered uninterruptable waits).

So I turned to fcntl.  This worked perfectly when the processes were
running on the same client.  When this wasn't the case, the blocked
process would hang indefinately; the process with access could release
okay and go on its merry way.  Other processes could gain locks even
though the process that was originally blocked should have been given
access long before.

Here is the code I have used to test this :
    Tests the operation of fnctl when using it to gain exclusive locks on
    remote files.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define	WHOLE_FILE	0
#define	LOCK_OBJECT	"fcntlobj"

#define or      : case
#define when    break; case

LockError (message, filename)
	char	*message, *filename;
	switch (errno) {
	when EBADF :
		fprintf (stderr, "%s %s :\n\t%s\n", message, filename,
		         "not valid open file descriptor");
	when EDEADLK :
		fprintf (stderr, "%s %s :\n\t%s\n", message, filename,
		         "deadlock would have occurred");
	when EFAULT or EINVAL :
		fprintf (stderr, "%s %s :\n\t%s\n", message, filename,
			 "arg to fcntl not valid");
	when EINTR :
		fprintf (stderr, "%s %s :\n\t%s\n", message, filename,
		         "interrupted while locking");
	when ENOLCK :
		fprintf (stderr, "%s %s :\n\t%s\n", message, filename,
		         "no more file lock entries available");

	exit (0);

GainLock (lock_file, filename)
	FILE		*lock_file;
	char		*filename;
    Attempts to gain an exclusive lock on open file "lock_file", if there is
    contention the loser sleeps until the lock is released.
	struct flock	*lock_str;

        lock_str = (struct flock *)malloc(sizeof(struct flock));

        lock_str->l_type = (short) F_WRLCK;
        lock_str->l_whence = (short) SEEK_SET;
        lock_str->l_start = (long) 0;
        lock_str->l_len = (long) WHOLE_FILE;
	lock_str->l_pid = (pid_t) 0;

        if (fcntl (fileno (lock_file), F_SETLKW, lock_str) < 0)
		LockError ("Error while attempting to lock", filename);

ReleaseLock (lock_file, filename)
	FILE		*lock_file;
	char		*filename;
    Releases an exclusive lock gained previously in GainLock above.
	struct flock	*lock_str;

        lock_str = (struct flock *)malloc(sizeof(struct flock));

        lock_str->l_type = (short) F_UNLCK;
        lock_str->l_whence = (short) SEEK_SET;
        lock_str->l_start = (long) 0;
        lock_str->l_len = (long) WHOLE_FILE;
	lock_str->l_pid = (pid_t) 0;

        if (fcntl (fileno (lock_file), F_SETLK, lock_str) < 0)
		LockError ("Error while attempting to unlock", filename);

main ()
	FILE		*lock_file;
	char		ch;

	lock_file = fopen (LOCK_OBJECT, "r+");

	printf ("Attempting to lock ... "); fflush (stdout);
	GainLock (lock_file, LOCK_OBJECT);
	printf ("done\n");

	printf ("\nPress a key :"); fflush (stdout);
	ch = getchar ();

	printf ("\nUnlocking ... "); fflush (stdout);
	ReleaseLock (lock_file, LOCK_OBJECT);
	printf ("done\n");

	fclose (lock_file);

	printf ("Exiting.\n");

I have run this simultaneously on different hosts (in different windows on
the same hosts) to test the performance of fcntl.  You have just read of
the results of this testing.

I tried changing the last two lines of GainLock to this code fragment :

        if (fcntl (fileno (lock_file), F_SETLK, lock_str) < 0)
                if ((errno == EACCES) | (errno == EAGAIN)) {
                        fprintf (stderr, "it's already locked\n");
			exit (0);
                        LockError ("Error while attempting to lock", filename);

so that if a lock already exists a message to that effect is printed and
the process exits.  When I tried this version in a similar manner, the
"loser" still became hung; fcntl should have returned immediately with -1
and errno set to EACCES (or possibly EAGAIN).  It did not.

Can any Sun guru out there explain this ?  Has this cropped up before ?
Is there a workaround (apart from minimising the chance of access
contension) ?

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