Paper on SunOS implementation of Berkeley Sockets.

robert at robert at
Thu Apr 18 07:14:13 AEST 1991

Hi.  I'm doing a paper on "SunOS implementation of Berkeley sockets" for
my graduate network class.

I'm trying to gather as much info about possible sources i.e. books,
papers, even fragments of code??  So far I've been given Stevens "Unix
Network Programming" (which I already have along with Tanenbuams' Network
book and Comers' "Internetworking with tcp/ip").  I have also found out
that Sun's sockets are straight 4.3BSD-tahoe.  I would be appreciative if
someone out there can direct me to possible sources (i.e. books, papers,
e-mail, anything).

Please send responses to directly.

I thank you.
My professor thanks you.
And most important, my grades thank you!!!

    -     ------       -                              Robert Angelino
   | |   | ----  \    | |                             ms T-1704L
   | |   | |   \ |    | |                             4800 Oak Grove Drive
   | |   | | --  |    | |                             Pasadena, CA 91109
---| |   | | \__/     | |___                          robert at
\____|et |_|ropulsion |_____\aboratory                (818) 354-9574

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