Sparc 2 query

Alastair Young alastair at
Sat Apr 20 07:30:00 AEST 1991

We acquire our systems by a rather circuitous route and we are expecting
our first Sparc 2 systems soon. Getting hardware specs is not easy.  Can
those of you out there in netland help me with the following questions

1) Does a Sparc 2 have thin ether like a 3/50 or AUI only like a Sparc 1?
   ie do I have to buy transceivers for 'em?
2) Are Sparc 2s binary compatible with Sparc 1s ie do they use sun4c?
3) Are Sparc 2s supported at 4.0.3? This is the release we are using just
4) If the answer to 3) is "no", are they supported at 4.1.1?
5) Will a Sparc 2 running 4.1.1 drive an Exabyte? We are currently driving
   our Exabytes off Sun 3 systems as 4.0.3c won't do it. 4.1.1c will, so
   I'm told. I won't mind so much putting my Sparc 2s straight in at 4.1.1
   if I get the bonus of Exabyting sensibly.

Please reply direct, I will summarise to the list if people want.

Alastair Young
Systems Supervisor SMTS

alastair at

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