New Products from RDI

Francesco Caserta caserta at
Thu Jun 6 00:17:00 AEST 1991

A couple of days ago I received June's issue of the Sun Observer. It contains
an article titled "RDI's Sparc-based laptop: 8,500 orders already in".

The article ends in this way:

   As for the future, RDI, which employs 50 people, is looking ahead, a necessary direction to face in an industry that promises at most a one to two year window after the release of a new product. The company is building two ways: evolutionary, which is downsizing the laptop and going from monochrome to color; the other is revolutionary, which is not a laptop, notebook or desktop machine, Schrameck, said.

   RDI will announce a notebook and will show a color unit at Comdex. The company is also working on a new product to come out at Comdex, according to Schrameck. "It's our definition of where we think workstations will go in the future."


Francesco Caserta

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