Xkernel problems

Mike Anderson mea at sparta.com
Sun Mar 24 22:32:00 AEST 1991

I am trying to get Seth Robertson's Xkernel (a minimal kernel for Sun 3/50
and 3/60 machines to run X-Windows like an X-terminal) running on my 4.1
Sun 3/260.  Everything seems to make O.K. and my 3/50 starts to boot.
However, just after the 

root on Xclient:/export/root...
swap on Xclient:/export/swap...
dump on Xclient:/export/swap...

("Xclient" is the Sun 3/260)

I get the message "panic: init died" and everything goes south :-(.  It
does generate a core file that says its from "Xsun".  I've looked through
all of the code and can't find Seth's e-mail address anywhere (veerrry
clever, Do you now or did you ever work for Sun? ;-).  I'm using the Xsun
and Xnit that was supplied with the tar file.  Does anyone have any clues
as to what's happening?

Help please and I'll pass it along,

Mike Anderson
mea at sparta.com

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