Some reports on ALM2 and ALM2-like boards

Malcolm Carlock unr!malc at
Fri Mar 22 07:31:00 AEST 1991

A while back I solicited in this group some reports/opinions/horrorStories
about ALM2 and ALM2-like boards, regarding in particular the 4/280.

I received a few responses, but was going to wait for some more before
summarizing, since the responses were yet few in number and 3 (the
majority) were from vendors rather than private individuals.  During my
wait for further responses I never did get around to summarizing, but
someone recently reminded me of my pledge to do so.  Following, then, are
most of the responses I received (there was one real ALM2 horror story
from an individual, though I seem to have misplaced said story.  I suppose
its mere mention gets the point across, however.)

We ended up purchasing the Xylogics 781 for our 4/280.  We've had good
luck with their products in the past.  The specs on the 781 were
impressive, and their product seemed to fit the bill.  We're still
awaiting the cables that will let us attach the 781's 16 ports to our
Sytek network, so it hasn't yet been tested under any sort of full load;
I'll make a further report once it's been in use for a while.

Thanks to all who responded to my original query.

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