NFS Mount Point Strategy?

Martien F. van Steenbergen martien at westc.uucp
Thu Nov 15 21:40:44 AEST 1990

system at (System Admin (Mike Peterson)) writes:

>We have just got NFS working between our Apollo systems and SGI/IBM boxes,
>and I have a few questions about the "right" way to set things up:

[all the other stuff deleted]

In general, make data available through:


Where <class> could be "home" for home directories, "vol" for volumes
(i.e. applications and other mostly read-only data, "source" for public domain or free source code that you have
collected, "project" for project directories, "distrib" for software distributions, etc. Some examples:

	/home/john	John's home dir
	/home/mary	Mary's home dir

	/vol/frame	default FrameMaker application directory
	/vol/frame-2.1	explicit FrameMaker 2.1 application directory
	/vol/emacs	GNU Emacs

	/project/xyz	Project xyz
	/project/abc	Project abc

	/source/emacs-18.55 GNU Emacs 18.55 sources
	/source/nn-6.3	nn 6.3 sources

	/distrib/frame-2.1 FrameMaker 2.1 SunView distribution
	/distrib/framex-2.1 FrameMaker 2.1 X-Windows distribution


Get it?! I consider having the server name (or partition for that
matter) somewhere in a path a bad thing. It means that you have to tell
all and everyone when you move, say, an application to another
partition or server.

You may wonder how to do this. By exploiting NFS, NIS and using the
automount(8) or amd(8) as glue, you can realy get things going.

More info in the Sun386i CookBook.

BTW I am planning to write an article on this and am preparing a
presentation on the what and how. Be patient, I'll try to get it posted
in this news group.

	Martien F. van Steenbergen


	Martien van Steenbergen.

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