Changing Passwords From A Batch File

Glenn M. Brunette brunette at sjuphil.uucp
Mon Nov 12 14:59:42 AEST 1990

I was wondering if it is possible to change a users password by redirecting 
input from a data file.  At our installation, there are about 40 temporary
accounts that need to exist, but because of problems that we have been having
with them, we would like to set up a cron that would change the password 
as needed.  The cron part is easy, but getting the passwd program to 
recognise the input redirection is what is giving us the program. Does anyone
have any ideas?

Ideally we would want something like this:

   #changepw "oldpasswd" "newpasswd"

that would go through all of the desired accounts and change the passwords
to those directed.

BTW, we are running SunOS 4.1 on a Sun SparcServer 4/490.  

Thanks in advance,


 Glenn Brunette,  Academic Computing Consultant              sssss
                                                           ss      jjjjjjj
 Addresses: at   sss      j
             brunette at sjuphil.UUCP                           ss     j  u    u
             brunette%sjuphil.sju at             sssss      j  u    u

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