What should an Academic Computing Director do & know ?

Craig Dufresne cpd1450 at sjfc.UUCP
Thu Mar 21 10:34:41 AEST 1991

St John Fisher College is a small liberal arts College which is upgrading
our current facilities, we will be adding to our Vax:

	IBM Token Ring Network & 30 PS/2s

	24 Macs

	10 Unix Workstations with Campus Networking.

I am interested in finding out about other Colleges like Fisher and their
Academic Computing Directors. Specificly:

	1. What are the day to day operations of a Director

	2. How many people work for the Director including
		Lab Assistants

	3. If their was only one proffessional running Computing,
		what kind of problems might be expected 

	4. What kind of relationship exists between the Director
		and Student help

	5. What kind of training does a director need, what background

If I get some responces and interest, I'll gladly post a response to the

Mail info to:

	sjfc!cpd1450 at cci.com



Craig Dufresne
Unix Lab Asst

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