log file and mail message filtering programs

Robert E. Van Cleef vancleef at nas.nasa.gov
Sat Mar 23 01:12:40 AEST 1991

One of the major problems with the administration of a large number of systems is the large volume of information that is generated everyday by the systems.

There is a massive amount of information that is available in the system log files or system mail messages that the system administrator is forced to ignore, or may not even be aware of, because of the large amount of information and the enormous amount of noise. 

(It is almost as bad a trying to keep up with a USEnet newsgroup:)

Has anyone done any work on developing intelligent filters that can monitor the information generated by a couple of hundred workstations, filter out the noise, and summarize the results?

Any pointers would be welcome, and I will summarize any results that I receive.

Bob Van Cleef 			vancleef at nas.nasa.gov
NASA Ames Research Center	(415) 604-4366
Perception is reality...

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